Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Downsides to Malawi?

I think I have been firm enough in my ‘I love malawi’ posts to write this…I mean I love Malawi…there is even a party on Saturday with an ‘I love Malawi’ theme and I have had a custom malawi t-shirt made to wear to the party because I totally love Malawi..
The aforementioned love notwithstanding, I think it is OK then if I report some of the downsides…
1) Our stove is shocking. I don’t mean shocking to look at, or that the price was shocking (though it was - we paid $200, you wouldn’t pay $20 for this thing in Canada), I mean actually shocking. If you put a pan on the stove and touch the handle – shock. Touch a spoon in a pot –shock. It took a while, but we eventually figured out that if you wear shoes, the shock passes harmlessly though you to the floor and you don’t feel the shock – but that can’t be good for you???
2) Chickens. They may be cute and sound charmingly local but they are LOUD. And news to the city folk…they don’t just crow at dawn….they crow all the time. I am in the midst of a Martha Stewart attack and am baking cookies at 12:41am and they are crowing RIGHT NOW. Note that the sudden desire to bake cookies is also being affected by the shocking oven…in addition to being shocking, it has no temperature gauge, so it is taking approximately FOUR TIMES AS LONG to bake the aforementioned cookies!!!
3) Cockroaches….they aren’t pretty, and if you read my roomate’s blog, you know they don’t die easy. We have a daily battle protecting our food (and other items) against them and ourselves against the extreme heebie jeebies they can cause.
OK, seriously, I just had to make you all feel better that you aren’t here, since Malawi ROCKS.


Anonymous said...

HAHA. dude, you had me chuckling at my desk. So true. Despite our crap stove and giant cockroach vampires, Malawi does rock, and so did your midnight Martha attack cookies. Can't wait to get home to them tonight!

I'm sorry that your Canadian friends and family aren't cool enough to post comments, so I'll try to pick up the slack. (Just don't tell your Canadian Heather cause I'm a little scared of her I think... don't worry, we may live in the same house, but Canadian Heather, they're all yours)

Anonymous said...

I also heard about the lack of comments from your postings with a jealous twang as Heather's friends tend to make comment on occasion, so here I am....
You are absolutely right about those damn chickens - I thought it was cute the first night, but I am no longer so impressed by their constant chatter.
I've spent the past couple of weeks giving thanks for your talent in the kitchen - so far I've managed to keep far away from that dratted stove, and I plan to keep it that way if I can for the rest of my visit - I can handle salad detail or something else that doesn't require risking life and limb....

How you managed to bake cookies when I was asleep in the next room is beyond me.... awaiting yet another amazing meal tonight - Heather certainly lucked in on that score!